Professional guidance on a proper water introduction for hunting dogs If you have a Labrador, Golden or Chesapeake Bay retriever puppy, one thing you may have not even thought about is the need to introduce the pup to water. You may think these breeds will just swim naturally and love water, but that is not […]
Teaching hunt-it-up
A drill for great pheasant hunting Hunt it up is a command we use to teach dogs to upland hunt. Having a retriever that can mark and run to where a downed pheasant or grouse lies is incredibly valuable. But having a dog that can hunt up a crippled bird or find the birds that […]
What training for 10-week-old Labrador puppy?
Raising a retriever puppy like the pros Your Labrador puppy can seem small and fragile during those first few weeks home from the breeder. But I assure you, he/she is not. Puppies this age are ready and willing to learn, so don’t let their small size deter you from diving right in with training. Labrador […]
What training for 9-week-old Labrador puppy?
Raising a Lab puppy, the professional way A hunting or competition dog’s ability and performance is greatly influenced by training done during the crucial first few months. Unfortunately, many new puppy owners feel they should wait for the puppy to mature before starting any training. But this can be a major mistake. Retriever puppies are […]
Teaching sit on whistle
Whistle commands can help you communicate with your dog in the field Dogs are taught to respond to commands with an action. For instance, if I say SIT, the dog’s action should be to SIT. This is the basis of how we communicate with our dogs. While we also may communicate with hand signals, or […]
Gun Dog Nutrition
Long days of hunting require optimum nutrition for your retriever One of the easiest ways to keep your dog in good shape is to make sure that he is getting proper nutrition. Nutrition is very important for all dogs, but your gun dog needs optimum nutrition to make it through long days of quartering, running, […]
What should I do first week with new Labrador puppy?
As professional dog trainers, we are often asked by new Lab owners, what training should I do with my puppy and when should I start. We have raised a lot of puppies. And while each puppy is unique, there are some training tips that can help you help your lab grow up to be the […]
Should I use scent on my retrieving bumpers?
If you are training your retriever to hunt, you may wonder if you need to use scent on your retrieving bumpers or dummies. This is a topic that will draw many competing opinions. Some people are convinced that scent is necessary to teach the dog to find the birds, others think that scent is just […]
Teach your dog to go potty on command
Ever been in a hurry to go somewhere, and you know you will be gone for a while, so it’s vital your dog go potty?
Why does my Lab dog walk between my legs?
Why your dog walks between or through your legs and how to stop it I have noticed a trend. Many of the dogs that our dropped off at the kennel for training walk between their owner’s legs. Most owners seem to like it or at least don’t seem to mind it. But this behavior from […]
Naming your hunting dog puppy
Getting a puppy is an exciting time filled with wonder and expectations. There are many decisions that you will make while you plan for his arrival but one that is often overlooked, or at least not given the consideration it deserves, is what to name the puppy.
How to stop noisy whiny retriever
If you are reading this post, you probably already know how annoying a whiny, noisy dog can be, especially when you’re hunting or running a competition. Some retrievers are noisier than others, and sometimes genetics are to blame, but is there anything that can be done to stop this behavior? Or even minimize it? Here […]
Why is my retriever puppy so hyper and aggressive?
Retrievers, for the most part, make great family dogs. Their easy-going temperament means they don’t mind when kids run circles around them and climb on them. They are also smart, so they learn quickly and their strong willingness to please often makes retrievers a great addition to the family. But some retriever puppies are a […]
Gift ideas for hunting dog owners
Do you have a hunter and a gun dog or duck dog on your gift list this year?
If so, you might be at a loss for what to give them. Here are some gifts that are both practical – meaning they will actually be used, and essential.
How do I get my dog to sit with distractions?
Many dogs know the SIT command. But there is a difference between knowing how to SIT and sitting consistently on command. There is also a huge difference between a dog that will SIT when told to SIT, and a dog that will SIT and stay sitting even when there are distractions going on all around […]
How to train with an e-collar – Part 2
This is part two in the series of posts about how to train with an e-collar. The first part of this post talks about how to condition your retriever to wearing the collar and how to avoid making your dog collar-wise. You can read that post here. In this post, I will give you […]
How do you start training with an e-collar?
Electronic collars or e-collars are great training tools. When used correctly, they can help your dog learn and progress quickly in training. But when used incorrectly, they can just as quickly confuse and damage your dog. This series of posts will walk you through the steps necessary to properly condition and start training your retriever […]
How to stop my Lab from jumping on me
If there is one dog behavior that really drives me crazy, it is dogs jumping on me. I hate it. It gets my clothes dirty and it is super annoying. But the real reason I hate it is because it is so dangerous. If you want to learn how to stop your dog from jumping […]
Teach your dog to give or drop bird
Retrievers love to retrieve. They are, by nature, working dogs and if the breeding is good, they love to retrieve anything, anywhere. But just because they love to run out and retrieve a bird or bumper, does not mean that they love to bring it back to you and give it to you. This must […]
How to train a stubborn dog
Labrador, Golden and Chesapeake Bay retrievers are all excellent hunting and family breeds. They often can span the role of being a family dog and a hunting dog with few downfalls. But that doesn’t mean they are perfect. Many retrievers are very stubborn and hard to train. If your dog is one of the stubborn […]