6 steps to flawless quartering Upland hunting with a retriever can be a fun and exciting way to spend a day. Watching your dog work a field, finding and flushing birds for you to shoot can be a wonderful thing. That is assuming your dog understands what his/her job is and hunts with you, not […]
Help, my retriever won’t fetch anymore!
What to do when your hunting dog stops delivering the birds Retriever breeds, as their name suggests, generally have an innate desire to retrieve. This can be fun for playing a game of fetch or exercising the dog, but there is also a more practical side. Retrievers make great duck dogs or gun dogs for […]
Important commands for your retriever
There are several obedience commands retrievers need to learn to become good, responsible companions both in the field and at home, but the two that are most important are SIT and HERE.
Training your 6-month-old Labrador puppy
Moving into your puppy’s sixth month, you should notice a dramatic change in your dog’s ability to learn and progress through training. Most dogs show some maturity at six-months of age and all the work you have done up to this point (assuming you have done the work in the previous posts) should start coming […]
How to find a good Labrador puppy
Many people start their search with good intentions. They want to find a good quality pup that will serve as a hunting companion as well as a family dog. However, somewhere along the way they end up just picking up a cute puppy that the family could not resist.
Raising a Lab puppy to be a duck or gun dog
The first few months of a puppy’s life are so important, and yet many people get so caught up in the cuteness of these bundles of fur that they disregard any training until the dog is much older.
Should I buy a started (retriever) dog?
In the market for a new hunting dog? Here is what you need to know. In the market for a new gun dog or duck dog? You may be considering all your options. Those options include getting a puppy and starting from scratch, or buying a started dog that has a little training under his […]
What whistle should I use to train my gun dog?
Selecting a whistle for your hunting or sporting dog – what to consider If you are looking for a whistle for training your hunting or gun dog, you may be shocked at how many options there are. It can be confusing, especially if you have never trained using a whistle. In this post I will […]
Can a hunting dog be a family pet?
If you want a hunting dog but your family wants a pet, you will be relieved to know that you don’t have to choose! Your hunting dog can be a family pet and your family pet can be a hunting dog. My husband and I are professional retriever trainers and most of our client dogs […]
Essential equipment for training a duck dog
A well-trained hunting partner starts in your yard – not the blind In my last post, I discussed the basic retriever training tools you need to train your hunting or gun dog. Those basic training tools are important, but depending on how and where you hunt, there are many other aspects and equipment your retriever […]
Training your 5-month-old Labrador puppy
Preparing your puppy for a life of hunting and/or competition Congratulations! If you are following my training of Bubba, you know that training a 3–4-month-old puppy is a big challenge. If you have made it to your puppy’s fifth month, you have made it through the hardest time. By the time your puppy reaches the […]
6 vital tools every gun dog trainer needs
If you plan on training your retriever for hunting, you may be wondering what equipment you will need. Here is the basic equipment you will need to start training your gun dog.
How long does it take to train a hunting (gun) dog?
Professional retriever training – why it’s worth the investment Having your retriever professionally trained is a big deal. I understand. It’s a huge investment in time and money. Many of you consider your dog a part of the family, and rightfully so. This probably explains why clients balk when we explain how long our training […]
Training your 4-month-old Labrador puppy?
Preparing for the teething stage If you have been following my puppy training program since the beginning, you will have some down time for the next month or so. This is not to mean that you will not be working with your puppy at all, but only means that you will not be adding any […]
Do I need to use birds to train my retriever?
Your job, as a trainer, is to put your retriever in these situations in a training environment where they can learn how to deal with birds.
Training your 14-week-old Labrador puppy?
If you have a 14-week-old Lab puppy, you probably have your hands full. They are growing quickly, both in size and knowledge, but they are also still a bit like toddlers, always getting into something. Here is the training for your 14-week-old Labrador puppy. Training and socialization for 14-week-old Labrador puppy Here are the […]
Training your gun dog – how to avoid injuries
Train smarter with these tips! After a long cold winter, you may be excited to get outside and do some serious retriever training . Your retriever is probably excited for that too! Here are some pro tips for avoiding injuries while training your gun dog. It’s important to start slow It’s likely, for many of […]
Training your 13-week-old Labrador puppy?
Start training your hunting dog now! Thirteen-week-old puppies are challenging. If you have heard of the terrible twos for toddlers, a three- or four-month-old puppy is very similar. They are still puppies and therefore are still cute, do some fun and hilarious things, but they are also very troublesome. You can’t turn your back on […]